Monday, June 27, 2011

Struggles and Successes

This weekend I spent Friday and Saturday at my parents house because Matt was at a bachelor party with his friends. It was mom's birthday on Friday and we were originally supposed to go to Idelwild but the weather was not cooperating. Instead we went to get pedicures and out to dinner and shopping at the mall. At dinner I bypassed the steak and ordered chicken with a sweet potato and salad. I did splurge on a margarita and a small ice cream cone at the mall. While mom and I were shopping I was trying on clothes in Ann Taylor and I finally was able to try clothes on and things were looking good. Wohoo I finally like shopping again. I was in the dressing room with my mom and I showed her my stomach. Her comment to me was, oh my, what does Matt think about it. She also said, do I think it will get better. I didn't know what to say. I told her that I thought I would need surgery to get rid of the extra skin. I also said that Matt doesn't say anything because he knows how much I am self conscious about it. On saturday I stuck to my diet except for the pasta salad for dinner and ice cream cake for Allison and mom's birthday. On Sunday it was back to reality and of course I spent the day beating myself up for all the bad choices that i made. I did my workout and focused on recovering. In a week I will feel better but then the weekend will come and I'll do the same thing all over again. I need strength to make it through the weekend without cheating! I am getting so close to finishing this workout and I can hardly wait to take my next pictures! This is the last week before my pictures so I need to stay focused and on target!!!

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