Monday, June 6, 2011

Eat Clean diet start up

So today I started my diet by drinking my coffee with only cream and no sugar and oatmeal with no brown sugar, just blueberries and flax seed and a hard boiled egg! I can't say that it was the tastiest breakfast but I'm sure I will get used to it. For a snack I had 1 apple with 1 tablespoons of almond butter. For lunch I had a whole wheat tortilla with turkey, hummus, roasted red peppers, lettuce and tomatoe. It was pretty tasty. For my preworkout snack I had a cliff bar. So far I feel pretty good except that my children were up from 5:30am on. I am tired today because I went to bed to late! I got my workout it today and now Im going to sit down and read my Eat Clean diet book and plan out my meals. I hit up the grocery store for lots of fresh veggies, so hopefully I can make a difference and start seeing some changes! I'm pretty psyched!

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