Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Yesterday was the day we were supposed to post our pictures to the facebook page. I just couldn't do it! I just am not ready to show the world what my stomach looks like. It just makes me sick to think of what I had before I had kids. I know that I should feel blessed to have 2 healthy kids but my body image is so important to me. I don't know how to overcome this overwhelming obsession with my body. It is so bad that it affects my daily life! Although, I am motivated to make a change. I am very curious to know if my body will look noticeably different after this 90 days. Yesterday I cut back on the amount of food that I ate and I noticed a difference in my energy level in the afternoon and also I was extremely hungry in the evening. I ate a whole wheat english muffin with almond butter and a banana for breakfast with a cup of coffee. For lunch I ate a Clif energy bar and fruit with a bottle of water. After my workout I had a protein shake with fresh strawberries and blueberries. For dinner I had 1 piece of teryaki baked chicken, zuchinni and peas. For a snack I had fruit and a 100 calorie lemon dessert parfait. I was starving in the middle of the night and I was tired all evening.
My current concern is that I am eating enough because I am still nursing Bryce. I have decided to ask my brother for assistance since he went to school for health and fitness. I will keep you posted on my progress. Yesterday I got on the scale and I was down to 131.5, wohoo another pound down!
I just have to keep focused, because I am sore and I want to give up! But I know the end result will pay off! I am trying to decide what my reward should be at the end of this challenge. Should I get a new outfit, facial, new exercise video? Jury is still out!
God give me the courage to change what I can change and embrace what I cannot change!

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