Sunday, June 12, 2011

Feeling icky

This weekend was our first trip to Deep Creek lake with my family. We left on Friday and I got in my last recovery workout before we left. I had 1 day off and today I did my first workout of Month 2. Let me just tell you I started out my weekend eating clean as much as possible. But yesterday I ate cake, mountain pies and a cookie. Today I had french toast cassarole, turkey bacon and eggs with cheese for breakfast. Lunch was good, but dinner was steak, potatoes and more cake for dessert. I just couldn't say no to coconut cream pie! So needless to say I feel nausous and I couldn't even complete my Max interval circuit becuase I felt like I had lead in my shoes and I was sick to my stomach. I feel pretty bad about myself at the moment and I'm all bloated and gross! I just want to crawl into bed and start over tomorrow! I think that's my plan and I'm not going to beat myself up over it! Goodnight!

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