Sunday, June 5, 2011

Eat Clean diet

I finally finished my 30 days of the Insanity workout. I definately feel much stronger and in shape that I have ever felt. It's not even a question in my mind whether or not I am going to workout each day. I just put the kids down for a nap and head to the basement to do my workout. I always feel recharged and satisfied with my workouts. I love sweating and knowing that I am pushing myself to having a better body. I have noticed changes in my body but I'm still a little frustrated with the number on the scale. I turned to my 90 day summer slim down challenge friends for some advice. I got a lot of feedback regarding the Shakeology and Eat Clean diet. I think I'm going to try the Eat Clean diet and change the way my entire family eats. I really struggle with eating sweets and snacks to late at night. My goal this week is to drink more water each day and cut out at least 1 tablespoon of sugar in my cofee. I downloaded the eat clean diet regarched book to my IPAD and I plan on following that as much as possible. Hopefully I will start to see the pounds come off! I really want to end this challenge and feel great about myself. I already feel good about my progress and my dedication and every day I think about what I'm going to do after I finish the Insanity program. I'm between the RevAbs or P90X. I'd like to definately get my stomach flat (I don't need a 6 pack, but atleast I don't want to look 5 months pregnant anymore) and build some muscle in my arms! I made my grocery list and tomorrow I will go and get everything I need for this weeks recipes! Wish me luck, because I'm going to need it!

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