Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 3

I'm begining Day 3 of the Eat Clean Diet. I am doing Great!!!! I have lost 2 pounds since Monday, AMAZING! Yesterday I did not cheat at all. Yesterday I ate my oatmeal with flax seed, blueberries, 2 egg whites, water and black coffee. Snack was an apple with 2 tablespoons of almond butter. Lunch was a whole wheat tortilla with hummus, red peppers, lettuce, tomotoe, and turkey and a banana. Snack was a chocolate chip cliff bar (not really on the diet) and dinner was chicken caggitore from last night. My late snack was a cup of cottage cheese, rasberries and almonds. I didn't drink anything other than the 1 cup of coffee and water! I felt awesome and had a great sense of accomplishment. I also went to the mall and returned a size 28 pair of shorts and bought at 27! I also bought a pair of capris in a size smaller than I was pre Bryce! My tummy is starting to look smaller already! I can't believe how much of a difference it makes when you just cut out the sugar you are eating! I am already preparing for the weekend and thinking about how I can take food with me to stay focused! Wohoo!

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