Monday, June 13, 2011


Today starts a new day, a new week and a new phase of my Insanity workout. I tried to start last night but after a weekend full of eating bad and not drinking enough water I felt like a bloated jelly donut. I could hardly get my feet off the ground to workout and I thought I was going to puke on the floor. I called it quits after 25 minutes and decided I would start fresh today. So it's Monday and now I am actually scared to do that same workout again. Eventhough I was really tired it was still really really hard. I also feel like I have to start out from day 1 because I treated my body so badly this weekend. I never realized how important it is to eat healthy clean foods in order to feel good. I do feel that sugar is a type of drug, it weights you down and leaves you feeling empty. I am going back to my strick eating clean today!

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