Monday, June 20, 2011

I am so so sore today, after completing week 1 of phase 2 I feel great but I am sore! I didn't know there were muscles I didn't work in the first 30 days. I love the core strenghtening and the upper body exercises. I love that Shaun T works our core so much, hopefully that will help with the baby pooch! I can really see that it is deflating slowly!! I am still pretty much obsessed with it though. I just can't get rid of it fast enough. This marks the beginning of week 3 of eating clean. It is becoming a lifestyle and I am realizing how bad that everyone around me eats. It is very hard to go out or go to dinner at families house because there is basically nothing I can eat. For fathers day yesterday we had steak, baked potatoes, corn, creamy fruit salad, and rolls. Nothing was on my diet except for the fruit. I did cut my steak in half and had a baked potatoe, corn and fruit. I was still pretty hungry afterwards. I did have a piece of my mom's homemade strawberry pie. I drank water and stayed away from the appetizers. I even passed up on the taco dip, which is my favorite! I still didn't receive any compliments from that side of the family but I'm guessing that I never will. I just don't think they are ones to point out accomplishments on weight loss. Bryce hasn't been taking very good afternoon naps for the past 3 days so hopefully today I will get my workout in. I definately need to workout everyday. I just feel like a better person. I am so excited to reach my goal and have that totally awesome body! I can just feel the confidence building each day. That is motivation enough for me!

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