Tuesday, July 19, 2011


So I didn't make some very good choices on food or drinks this weekend. I completed the first week of P90X and was feeling very sore but confident about my performance. I even lost 3 pounds this week. I was ready to put on my dress and head to wedding number 2 of the season. I was feeling very good and I went to the reception and starting drinking these yummy signature drinks called something blue. Needless to say they kicked my rear. I was 2 sheets to the wind before dinner! They were so tasty that I didn't even realize how much vodka I had consumed until it was to late. I ended up stopping at McDonalds on the way home for a cheeseburger kids meal. It was tasty but totally not on the diet. Then on Sunday I spent the entire day trying to rehydrate myself and soothe my upset stomach. I drank 2 gatorades, ate a cupcake and had pizza for dinner. Even on Monday I still didn't feel back to my normal self. Today is finally the first day I feel good. I did get back on the wagon and drank lots of water and exercised both days. I'm pretty sore from chest and back yesterday, but I feel great! I really love the fact that people I don't even know comment on how good I look after 2 kids. I always tell them that it didn't come easy and I am working hard at it! There's no better feeling than looking in the mirror and liking what you see and knowing that you created that body because of the hard work and healthy lifestyle you follow! I'm definately addicted to working out and eating healthy and its starting to show!

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