Thursday, July 28, 2011

Nearing the end

So this is the last week of the summer slim down challenge and ironically this is also the week before a big wedding with all of our friends. This was my goal to be back in shape by this wedding. There will be a lot of college friends and acquaintances present and I didn't want people to say, "what happened to her, she got fat." Even though I have a pretty good excuse, I did have a baby 6 months ago. I still wasn't accepting that for an answer. To date I have lost 14 pounds and I have 4 more to go until I hit my goal weight. I completed the Insanity challenge and now I'm about to finish my 3rd week of P90X. I started eating clean and I have lots of energy. Also, during this 90 day challenge I was so motivated and inspired by the community of support that beachbody provides that I decided to become a coach as well. I really feel like this group of people, especially my coach have helped me to reach my fitness goal and to strive for something more. I not only want to loose weight but I want to gain muscle and eat healthy. I have made this a lifestyle change for myself and my family. I enjoy exercising each day and I love the feeling I get inside after I complete a workout! I love the food I eat and I rarely have cravings for something unclean because I know I will pay for it later with bloating and fullness. I know that some people think I am crazy for doing this but I really feel that deep down I am taking a step in the right direction, to a healthy and happy future for my family and myself. I have gone through so many emotions in the last 90 days that I don't know how I did it. There were days I hated my body and thought it was never going to change and those days are fewer and farther between. Now I enjoy getting dressed and checking out the body that is starting to come around. I still have so much work to do. I still have to tone and tighten my abs that were stretched and disfigured from my pregnancy but it is getting better. I want to continue to gain muscle in my arms and back as well as continue to tone my entire body. I want definition, I want people to say, "wow you can tell she works out and she looks great." I want to be able to play with my kids and keep up with them as they get older! I love it and I can't wait to see what this journey has in store for me! I hope that I can inspire others to do the same!

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